How To Draw Anime?

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Enter the mesmerizing world of anime artistry with ‘How to Draw Anime.’ I provide you a guide developed from years of personal experience and insights obtained from platforms such as Google and YouTube, based on nearly a decade of careful anime investigation and a lifelong enthusiasm for drawing.

My experience as a seasoned anime enthusiast unfolds in these pages, exposing the secrets, techniques, and details that bring your anime sketches to life. Let’s go on an artistic journey in which my years of practice and exploration serve as your guide as you master the appealing skill of sketching anime characters.”

Part 1: Basic Head Shape Drawing

1. Start with a circle for the head: The first step is to sketch a circle, usually with a light and loose stroke. This circular shape determines the head’s overall size and symmetry.

how to draw anime starting with a circle

2. Add guidelines for the eyes, nose, and chin: – Create guidelines by intersecting horizontal and vertical lines with the circle. These rules act as a structural framework, ensuring that facial characteristics are proportionately arranged. The horizontal line usually represents the eye level.

how to draw anime adding guidelines for nose and chin

3. Outline the jaw, differentiating between masculine and female features: – Draw the jawline around the circular form. Take note of gender-specific traits. Female characters may have a softer, more rounded jawline, whilst male characters may have a more angular, defined jaw.

how to draw anime outline of jaw

4. Sketch the neck depending on gender and age: – Extend a simple neck from the circle’s bottom to connect the head to the body. The thickness and curvature of the neck are determined by elements such as the age and gender of the character. Younger characters’ necks may be slim, whilst elder characters’ necks may be broader.

how to draw anime sketching neck

Part 2: Adding Features

1. Additional Ears: -The ears are positioned between the horizontal lines that run from the circle to the jawline. By aligning them with the eyes, you can keep symmetry. Anime ears are often minimalistic and resemble simple shapes.

how to draw anime additional ears

2. How to Make a Nose: In general, the nose is set above the horizontal guideline. Its size can be changed depending on the age of the character and the desired look. For the anime style, a modest, simple curve or dot is frequently sufficient.

how to make a nose

3. Eye Positioning: – The horizontal guideline is used to determine where to place the eyes. Place them below the guideline, leaving enough space between them for another eye. Consistent eye positioning aids in symmetry.

eye positoning

4. How to Draw Expressive Eyes

(a) Shape Variation: Anime eyes come in a variety of shapes. Larger, rounder eyes are sometimes associated with innocence and purity. Experiment with angular or almond-shaped eyes to suggest resolve, intensity, or a hint of mischief.

shape variation

(b) Notable features: Adding highlights to the eyes gives them life. Small, shiny spots or forms add to the character’s vibrancy. Highlights can be strategically placed to emphasize emotions.

notable features

5. Eyebrow and Eyelash Detailing:

(a) Eyebrows: Draw brows just above the eyes. Change their shape to portray various moods. Experiment with arched or straight brows to match the personality of the character.


(b) Eyelash extensions: Incorporate delicate eyelashes for a feminine touch. Adjust their prominence based on the gender of the character and the desired emphasis. Delicate eyelashes look more natural, while prominent ones can accentuate dramatic expressions.

6. Making the Mouth:- Align the mouth using the vertical guideline. Experiment with various mouth forms to communicate various emotions. A small, closed mouth may signify tranquility, whereas a wide mouth may imply eagerness or astonishment.

making the mouth

Part 3: Cleaning And Finishing Up The Drawing

1. Refinement of Facial Features: Once the main elements have been established, tweak the lines to improve precision. A glossy appearance is enhanced by clean, well-defined lines. You can adjust curves and angles to obtain the appropriate look for the character.

2. Guideline Erasing: -After you’ve improved the facial characteristics, carefully delete the underlying guidelines. This is an important step in establishing a clean and professional image. Take care not to delete important features by accident.

guidelines erasing

3. Hair Styling:

(a) Flow and Movement: Anime hairstyles differ greatly. Define the character’s hair flow and movement. When selecting a hairdo, consider the character’s personality and style. Experiment with various lengths, layers, and accents.

hair styling

(b) Adding Volume: Shading can be used to add volume to the hair. Determine where shadows naturally fall and shade accordingly. This phase helps to create a more lively and realistic portrayal.

4. Finishing Touches and Personalization:

(a) Unique Characteristics: Include any distinguishing features that differentiate the character. This could be ornaments, scars, or distinguishing characteristics. Personalize the character to make them stand out and communicate their uniqueness.

finishing touches and personalization

(b) Expression Tweaks: Adjust the face expression to reflect the personality of the character or the intended tone of the artwork. Small changes to the mouth, eyes, and brows can have a big impact on the entire expression.

5. Shadow Placement:

(a) Shading and Adding Depth: Shade the character’s face to give it more dimension. Determine the light source and cast shadows accordingly. People commonly use shade beneath the brows, around the nose, and beneath the lower lip.

shadow placement

(b) Gradual Shading: Blend the shading gradually to create a smoother transition between light and shadow. This approach helps to create a more realistic and three-dimensional appearance.


As we say goodbye to this artistic journey, you’ve learned the details of drawing anime characters. May your artistic activities bloom as you gain new knowledge and sharpen your talents. Remember that creating anime is a beautiful expression of creativity and passion, not merely an art form.

Allow your hand to dance across the canvas that is the secret of “How to draw anime?” and let them bring life to characters with unknown stories. Enjoy your drawing time, and may your artistic pursuits be as limitless as the anime worlds that influenced them. Keep painting, keep dreaming, and let the magic of anime live on through your creations till our next artistic gathering. “Good luck with your sketches!”

FAQ’s on How to Draw Anime?

1. What are the most important tools for drawing anime characters?

Basic instruments for drawing anime characters are pencils, erasers, and paper. For a more polished finish, many artists use digital tools such as graphic tablets and drawing software.

2. How can I enhance my ability to draw anime?

Improving your anime drawing talents requires constant practice, study of different styles, and exploration of tutorials. Observing and imitating professional artists in anime and general illustration can also help you improve your talents.

3. Does sketching anime faces require specific proportions?

Anime faces frequently have unusual proportions. Typically, expressive characteristics such as large eyes and small noses draw attention below the center line of the face. However, proportions might change depending on the artist’s approach and the personality of the character.

4. Can you list some frequent errors to avoid when drawing anime characters?

Common blunders include failing to consider suitable proportions, overcomplicating details, and failing to consider face expressions. To design visually appealing characters, it is critical to find a balance between simplicity and complexity.

5. How can I get ideas for making original anime characters?

The secret of “How to draw anime?” is real-life observations, other artworks, and even nature can serve as sources of inspiration. Watching different anime genres and studying different character archetypes might help you develop your own unique style.

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