The Mobile Suit Gundam franchise, known for its numerous iterations and entries, is still primarily defined by the continuity established by the original 1979 series. In an exciting update, the official Gundam magazine now includes new artwork by the series’ original designer, which is a significant moment for fans.
According to Mantan Web, the most recent issue of Monthly Gundam Ace features a new drawing by the legendary artist Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. This edition also honors another important creator in the Gundam legacy, adding depth to the magazine’s one-shots and other story content. This content builds on the classic Universal Century timeline, which is especially fitting given that the Gundam brand will celebrate its 45th anniversary in 2024.
The June 26th issue of Monthly Gundam Ace features cover and interior art that will undoubtedly entice fans of the Universal Century continuity. Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, who was the character designer and animation director for the original Mobile Suit Gundam anime in 1979, created these works. Yasuhiko has made notable contributions to mecha anime, including Brave Raideen, Zambot 3, and the sequel series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The featured artwork includes new pieces based on the original series’ protagonist Amuro Ray and his fated rival, the “Red Comet” Char Aznable.
The story in the magazine is linked to the series Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin, which expands on the events of the 1979 anime. The magazine also pays tribute to Kondo Kazuhisa, a well-known artist in various Gundam manga. The featured stories include Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: The Truth Behind the Divine Lightning Plan and the new series Mobile Suit Gundam F90 Cluster. These additions coincide with the Real Robot brand’s 45th anniversary.
Amuro Ray and Char Aznable are two of the most iconic characters in the Gundam franchise. Amuro introduced the concept of the reluctant mecha pilot, which set the series apart from the more child-friendly Super Robot anime of the time. Char, on the other hand, became a beloved antagonist despite his villainous role, inspiring the creation of numerous “Char clones” in future Gundam anime. These characters, who frequently wear similar masks or helmets, demonstrate the classic series’ long-lasting influence.
Amuro and Char flew the RX-78-2 and red Zaku-II mobile suits, respectively. These mecha are iconic, with the RX-78-2 sharing stylistic similarities with the majority of the series’ “main” Gundams. Fans can now enjoy new images of these iconic characters, created in Yoshikazu Yasuhiko’s distinct style. This blend of nostalgia and progression is reflected in the numerous Gundam manga entries that have expanded the Universal Century timeline beyond Amuro and Char’s stories.
In conclusion, the latest issue of Monthly Gundam Ace is a treasure trove for Gundam fans, celebrating the franchise’s rich history and legacy through new artwork and stories. As the Gundam franchise celebrates its 45th anniversary, this edition honors the past while looking ahead to the future, much to the delight of its devoted fan base.
Source – X (formerly Twitter)