Episode 6

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Heaven Garden at 2100 hrs

Luffy and Bellamy are the first one to arrive at the Heaven Garden. Then soon Lucy also joins them and finally Shikamaru unites with them. The environment lit with happiness as all of them are together.

Luffy: I kicked everybody’s ass… Heheheheh

Bellamy(Irritatingly): No I kicked everybody’s ass and saved his ass too… Hehehehehhe

Luffy: What did you say?

Bellamy: Truth you stupid Mugiwara…

Shikamaru(Smiling): The whole palace was in red alert this week. I heard someone saying that some creature were in loose and is still believed to be the sole reason behind vanquishing of hidden post. Good job everyone

Lucy and Shikamaru starts laughing seeing them fight.

Shikamaru : Lucy have you prepared what I asked you?

Lucy (Confidently): Certianly…

Everybody looks exhausted which clearly indicates that the week was not very pleasant for them.

Luffy: What about Captain Gin? Did you find something?

Shikamaru: Yes… I happen to see his power… His powers are very bizarre and he is just like the rumour, very merciless and cold blooded.

Lucy (in discomforts): So what now..

Shikamaru: We will find more about him in actual confrontation..

Everybody agrees.

We will take a day of rest to regain our energy and execute RetiredGin the day after tomorrow.

Shikamaru goes back to the palace to keep an eye on Gin and rest of the group goes to Bellamy’s house.

Bellamy’s House

Everybody agrees to see and explore the town.

Luffy: I want to eat Meatttt…

Lucy: I want to do shopping. All my clothes are dirty..

They both gaze at Bellamy with their innocent eyes…

Bellamy: What? Do not look at me like that….

Lucy: Luffy lets leave the idea. We do not have money and there is no one who has guts to give us money(Looking at Bellamy Mockingly)

Luffy(provokingly): Soldier of Royal Palace… Huhhhhh….

Bellamy(Furious): It is on me than. Do what you want. I will pay for everything.

They both together exclaims with joy and now Bellamy realises he has been fooled…

Luffy: Let’s have something to eat..

They all go to the most famous restaurant and taste every dish. Everytime they order, Bellamy looks in his wallet. But now he can do nothing as he is the man of his words.

They enjoy their day by relaxing themselves. They go for shopping, and have all three meals in different famous restaurants. At the end of the day, lucy ends her day with diary writing to confine this beautiful day in her diary. This is the first day when they all took a complete day of rest which helped them relax their body considerably.

Lucy: Tommorrow is our D-Day. We have to defeat him and accomplish RetiredGIn no matter what..

She looks determined, a bit nervous but her determination to find her friend and return to her world is clearly visible in her eyes.

Bellamy (comforts her): Tomorrow we have to make it alive….. Let’s end this once and for all..

Next Day

Everyone gathers at Heaven Garden. Shortly Shikamaru arrives. Shikamaru has planned everything. He starts discussing about the plan. Luffy, Lucy and Bellamy listens carefully and attentively and agrees with his plan. Afterall he is most reliable tactician of hidden in the leaf. We cannot accept anything less from him. His first part of the plan is to lure Captain Gin to the forest where lucy has prepared the battle ground. Shikamaru takes the responsibility for the first task as he knows about the palace more compared to anyone. Meanwhile everyone will reach the forest and wait for them to arrive.

Shikamaru: Ok then guys.. Best of luck…

Everybody hails best of luck and proceeds to the battle ground.

Battle Ground

Luffy: Ok this is the place… Let’s kick his ass…

Bellamy: So lets work according to the plan

They all take their respective position in three different directions.

Royal palace

Shikamaru reaches the palace. He waits for the right opportunity and finally catches him off guard.

Shikamaru: Shadow Imitation Technique…  He connects his  own shadow with his and immobilizes him… This technique immobilizes the target, making them mirror his actions.

Captain Gin: Are you from different world? And starts screaming in joy..

Shikamaru: How does he know about other world? It means he also does not belong to this world.. My hunch was right. He definitely knows something..

Shikamaru nods in excitement and takes him to the forest. Activating shadow imitation jutsu on Captain Gin, making him mirror his actions.

They both start running to the forest.

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