Episode 4

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Time 0900 hrs 04/07/2023

Episode 4
Both Discussing

Lucy lends an ear to Shikamaru and afterwards heads to the forest.

Scene: Forest

As asked by Shikamaru she heads to the forest to prepare the battleground. Forest provides many vantage points in a fight and thus to fight an enemy without knowing about his power, forest is the best suitable for everyone’s ability. She plans to set up many traps with the help of her celestial spirit. Virgo one of the celestial spirit is provided with a task of digging a long trench which will act as an escape route.

Lucy (Self talking): Natsu where are you? I wish you come and find me.

Time 0900 hrs 04/07/2023

Shikamaru runs towards the fort

Shikarmaru(Self Talking) : I have to gather the intelligence about GIN. I have a intuition that he definitely knows something

Scene: Main gate of Fort

Shikarmaru reaches the main gate and hide in bushes 200 mtr from the main gate.

Shikarmaru: Shadow possession jutsu!!

His shadow extends and binds one of the soldier’s action. He force him to walk into the bushes. He immediately knocks him out and tie him… After taking all his belonging he transforms into the soldier and goes to the gate and blends with the people at the gate. With the disguise of soldier nobody questions him and he makes his passageway into the palace… Now he looks for captain Gin… He mingles with other soldier to collect information about Captain Gin.

Shikarmaru looks everywhere to find captain Gin but cannot find him anywhere.

Soldier(1): What are you looking for?

Shikamaru: I have something to tell to Captain Gin… It is for the security of this town… But I cannot find him…

Soldier(1): What are you talking about.. Is our town under danger? You have to tell this to Captain..

Shikamaru: yes do you know where he is?

Soldier(1) :  He must be in his spot.

Shikamaru: Oh.. How can I forget about that place but this place is so huge, I get lost everytime..

Can you please take me with you…

Soldier(1): I have my turn for patrolling in 1 hour but as it is the security matter I have no other choice.

Shikamaru follows him and reaches a house made in old Japanese style. The garden of the house occupies many trees, wind is breezing gently relaxing every muscle of the body… just above the roof one person is lying..

Soldier(1): Look he is up there. go tell him. (Pointing his finger to the roof)

Shikamaru immediately puts the soldier into sleep.

Suddenly a lady comes out of the house with a tea pot. It seems she is a maid. Shikarmaru finds this as a chance to be in close contact with Gin. He immediately binds her movement and transform himself into her. He hides the lady in bushes and heads to serve Captain tea. Shikamaru is tensed and stressed as for the first time he is going to see the face of the person who holds the truth behind the mingling of different worlds.

To be Continued…..

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