Episode 3

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Episode 3
Bellamy’s House

Seeing the trio’s willingness to get back to their world, Bellamy joins hand with them. Bellamy takes them to their home secretly without getting noticed by the scouts which are scattered everywhere. He tells that Captain Gin is very ruthless for security glitch and that is why there is a very tight security around the town especially the palace and advised them to better come with a plan.

Shikamaru: Where is the other assailant?

Bellamy: He ran away… He was such a coward…

After taking a day of rest Shikamaru gathers everyone and tells them about the plan he came up with. He names it mission RetiredGIN. Hearing it, everyone burst into laughter.

Luffy: hahahah  what a lame name…You should come with something better…. Hahahhahahha

Shikamaru: He is going to be retired anyway after his defeat… so why not to call him retired already…It is such a drag….

After agreeing they go ahead with the plan…

Shikamaru: From here on we have three task that needs to be fulfilled…. Firstly, survey the town. We need to find every hidden force in the town and take them down otherwise they will come in our way. Secondly, make an escape route because if anything unwanted happens we should be in a position to evacuate or back off… and lastly, invade Royal Palace to keep an eye on Gin so that we can know about his powers and weaknesses…

Episode 3

Everybody is listening and nodding creating serious faces…. The situation is critical and everybody looks serious…

Luffy: It means we have to kick everybody’s ass….

Episode 3
Tension Fades Away

Hearing this everybody gets a sigh of relief and the tension in the environment fades away. Everybody shouts let’s kick some asses…. Yeahhhhhh….

Shikamaru (continues): Luffy you take care of the recce of the town, track the hidden forces and take them down. Bellamy you will assist Luffy because you are the only familiar face here and your knowledge about the town will help us in wiping down the forces.

Episode 3
Assigning Task

Lucy you will work on the escape route. Take help of your celestial spirit and make an underground passage. It will be our Plan B that is evacuation…. I hope we don’t need to use our Plan B… But considering the rumours about Captain Gin powers, we should not underestimate him, we should be prepared for every scenario… For worst as well..

And finally I will be the one to get close to Captain Gin.

And in exactly 7 days we will meet at Heaven Garden at 2100 hrs which is outside the palace’s main gate to finally execute mission RetiredGIN (everybody exclaimed in determination).

Time 0900 hrs 04/07/2023


Being the part of the king’s army, Bellamy knows about the hidden post but he is not certain about the exact location and without any proper plan it would be dangerous and uncertain to find the hidden posts but Bellamy has the idea to find all hidden posts.

Scene: Outskirts of the town surrounded by thick forest.

This part of the town provides necessary condition for hidden posts to camouflage themselves and guard the kingdom from foreign threats. Every post has minimum 20 members along with one commander to lead them…

Episode 3
Forest Area

Luffy and Bellamy decides to run wildly to get in notice of the hidden soldiers. After running and screaming for sometime they finally succeed their purpose. Around 20 soldiers surround them. They all are 6 ft tall with masculine built. Their sharp blades are reflecting the image of their prey. Their bodies are charged by adrenaline rush and is trembling with excitement. They all attack in unison to kill the two foreigners without any mercy to let them live.

Luffy: Gum-Gum Gatling!!

Episode 3
Fight with Hidden Forces

Luffy rapidly punches his opponent with incredible speed and strength, often delivering multiple blows in quick succession. This attack is a barrage of powerful punches, resembling the rapid firing of a machine gun.

12-14 soldiers are wiped out in an instant with luffy’s gatling gun.

Bellamy: Spring Hooper punch

By bouncing to and fro in between the trees bellamy lands a powerful punch taking care of the rest of the soldiers.

In an instant all the soldiers are wiped out. Bellamy without any hint of mercy holds a man from his throat and ask for the whereabout of their commander. He tells about their hidden post which is 500 mtr in 12 o’clock.

Luffy activate gear second and heads to the direction. After 5 min Bellamy also joins Luffy. By this time Luffy has already taken down the commander.

Bellamy checks the post and fortunately finds a map marking all the coordinates of the hidden post. Almost 100 coordinates are marked in the map.

Bellamy: There are 100 hidden post. It is impossible to take all of them down in just a week.

Luffy(carefreely): Are you week?

Bellamy(Irritatingly): You elastic fool! We are just two? How can you think of tracking them down and defeating them in just 1 week.

Luffy: Even if I have to fight continuously for 1 week I will take every single one of them down and kick their asses.

Bellamy (surprised): Ok it means we have no other choice then. We have to do it.

Episode 3

Both of them gets fired up and head back to their next target.

To be continued….

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