Luffy’s refusal to help Nami and the others leaves them confused and frustrated. Ussop and Carue, observing the situation from a distance, decide to intervene. However, they are swiftly caught by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine. The agents advise Ussop and Carue to give up and point out a strange black drawing beneath Luffy’s feet, the work of Miss Goldenweek. Miss Valentine reveals that this drawing is known as “Color Trap Betrayal Black,” and if touched, it makes a person want to betray their friends, regardless of their importance.

Miss Goldenweek arrives on the scene, and Vivi recognizes her ability. She explains that Miss Goldenweek is a realistic painter who can portray the colors of emotions realistically. Her paintings, when touched, influence the subconscious with various emotions. Nami realizes that if Luffy steps out of the painting, the spell will be broken. She advises him to do so, but Vivi, unexpectedly, begs Luffy not to leave the painting. This confuses Nami, and she soon realizes that Luffy has stepped out of the painting.
Luffy regains his senses and rushes to save his friends, laughing loudly. Miss Goldenweek counteracts with “Color Trap Laughing Yellow,” painting it on Luffy’s shirt. This makes him want to laugh uncontrollably. Zoro urges Luffy to remove his shirt and break the spell since the wax is falling rapidly, and they won’t last long.

Ussop and Carue inadvertently bump into Luffy as they flee from Mr. 5. This causes the painting on Luffy’s back to fade. Luffy reverts to his normal self and becomes enraged by the earlier attack. He tries to activate his Gomu Gomu no Bazooka to destroy the wax structure and save his friends. However, Miss Goldenweek has painted “Color Trap Bullfighting Red” on the ground. Luffy is compelled to attack the red as if it’s a charging bull, causing him to repeatedly strike the ground.

Miss Goldenweek applies a finishing touch by painting “Color Trap Calming Green,” which makes Luffy completely calm. Luffy and Miss Goldenweek then sit down and enjoy tea together.

Meanwhile, Mr. 5 continues to chase Ussop and Carue. He employs his “Nose Fancy Double Cannon” attack, but Carue’s agility helps her evade the shots. Ussop retaliates with his slingshot, which also misses. Mr. 5 concludes that chasing them is pointless and resorts to his pistol. Ussop realizes the painting is the key and rushes back to the battle zone to save their friends.
Upon his arrival, Ussop is shocked to find Zoro, Nami, Vivi, and Brogy fully covered in wax. At the same time, Mr. 5 catches up, wielding his pistol, a flintlock .44 caliber 6-shot revolver with rapid fire capabilities. He aims it at Ussop from a distance and prepares to fire.

In a daring move, Ussop uses his slingshot to launch a “Certain Kill Flame Star” that hits Luffy, causing his shirt to burn and break the spell. Unfortunately, however, Mr. 5’s fire connects, setting off a “Breeze breath bomb” that causes Ussop and Carue to tumble to the ground. Mr. 5 claims that even his breath can explode. Luffy, now free from the control of Miss Goldenweek’s painting, stands up, determined to save his crewmates. He declares that he won’t let a single one of his friends die.