Mr. 3 issues a challenge to Luffy and orders Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine to deal with Ussop and Carue. He initiates an attack known as Candle Lock, which locks both of Luffy’s legs in place. Luffy’s legs appear as if they’ve transformed into hammers, an unexpected development.

Mr. 3 follows this up by attacking Luffy’s hand, but Luffy quickly stretches his arm to grip the sword embedded in Brogy’s palm. He begins to rotate, building momentum and achieving high rotational speed. With this, he executes his Gomu Gomu no Hammer attack, targeting the giant candle pillar. The pillar shatters, but a significant portion falls towards Nami and the others, speeding up the wax hardening process and raising their terror. During this action, the candle lock on Luffy’s legs is broken.

Mr. 3, amused by their impending transformation into wax figures, attacks Luffy with his Doru Doru no Harpoon, but his move is interrupted when Ussop fires gunpowder from his slingshot at Mr. 3. Mr. 5 defensively ingests the gunpowder, rendering the explosion ineffective.
Luffy realizes that to save his comrades, he must destroy the large semicircle base, which is causing the wax to harden. He uses his Gomu Gomu no Bazooka attack to target this critical point. However, his attempt is blocked by Mr. 3’s defensive Candle Wall, followed by another Candle Lock. Undeterred, Luffy gets an idea. He keeps the Candle Lock on one of his hands and hurls a punch directly at Mr. 3, who hides behind the Candle Wall. Luffy’s punch, with the Candle Lock still on his hand, crushes the Candle Wall and connects directly with Mr. 3’s face, throwing him to the ground.

Nami is ecstatic to see Luffy’s punch land successfully and urges him to destroy the Candle Set. However, Luffy declines, claiming he’s not in the mood. Suddenly, Miss Goldenweek murmurs “Colours Trap,” casting a sense of shock and surprise throughout the situation, leaving everyone perplexed.