Dorry remains adamant in his belief that the Straw Hat Pirates are responsible for the explosive rum, despite Vivi’s attempts to explain otherwise. He equips his enormous sword and shield and launches the first attack, striking Luffy with his sword, which shatters the ground beneath. Luffy swiftly leaps into the air, using Dorry’s sword as a platform to dash towards him. Luffy’s target is Dorry’s head, and he initiates his signature move, Gomu Gomu no Pistol. However, Dorry skillfully counters by thrashing Luffy to the ground with his shield.
Dorry raises his massive sword again, poised to strike down Luffy with a powerful swirling motion. In response, Luffy stretches his hand to grasp a nearby tree and uses it as leverage to propel himself out of harm’s way. Dorry’s attack misses, but he ends up coughing blood due to the internal damage from explosive rum.

Luffy retaliates by launching another attack, the Gomu Gomu no Rocket. This time, he strikes hard at Dorry’s stomach, causing the giant to crash to the ground, unconscious. As Dorry falls, he inadvertently stomps on Luffy, who remains unharmed due to his rubbery Devil Fruit abilities.
Vivi expresses her appreciation for Luffy’s actions, believing that it was necessary to calm Dorry down. Luffy is furious and agrees with Dorry when he claims that his crewmates would never have committed such an illegal act and that it was not the other giant who planted a bomb inside the barrel of rum. Luffy deduces that there is a someone on the island.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the island, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine find a hideout in the jungle, set up by Mr. 3. Mr. 5 praises Mr. 3 for quickly creating this hideout in the midst of the jungle. However, Mr. 5 emphasizes that the mission remains under their jurisdiction and insists that Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek should not interfere. Mr. 3 provokes them by calling them weak and reminding them that they are professionals. Failing against their enemies is a shameful act, and their mission must be executed perfectly, without any careless errors.

Mr. 3 reveals that this island presents a unique opportunity for them – a chance to amass an enormous fortune. He displays the wanted posters of Dorry and Brogy, showing a total bounty of 200 million for both giants. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine are rendered speechless upon seeing the bounty. Mr. 5 then justifies the placement of the bomb in Dorry’s rum by Mr. 3.
Back at Dorry’s location, as Luffy and Vivi contemplate the identity of the person who placed the bomb in the rum, they hear a volcanic eruption in the distance. This eruption serves as a signal for their epic battle. Brogy approaches from one side, and Dorry, despite his injuries, stands up, reaffirming his vow to provide a fight worthy of Elbaf’s honor.