Frustrated by their inability to defeat Zoro, Mr. 8 angrily emphasizes that they must take him down because they have an obligation to fulfill. He prepares to attack, pulling out his trumpet and blowing it loudly. Suddenly, Zoro becomes the target of multiple shotgun rounds. To avoid the bullets, Zoro leaps high into the air and quickly sprints away from his attackers.

Mr. 9 calls Miss Wednesday and tells her to prepare for an attack. Miss Wednesday whistles to summon Carue, her super-fast spot-billed duck. Carue can outpace a leopard when it comes to speed. Miss Wednesday mounts Carue and instructs him to chase after Zoro.
Zoro, standing tall on the roof, watches his opponents. Mr. 9 takes him by surprise when he attacks him from behind.Armed with two metallic bats and using acrobatic finesse, Mr. 9 launches his assault. Zoro expertly blocks every attack and overpowers Mr. 9 without breaking a sweat. Miss Wednesday catches Zoro as soon as he defeats Mr. 9.

Miss Wednesday performs a captivating and dizzying dance called the “Mema Dance.” Just by watching her dance, Zoro starts feeling dizzy and falls to his knees. Miss Wednesday seizes the opportunity, brandishing her peacock slasher to strike at Zoro. Carue attempts to charge at Zoro, but he loses direction, taking Miss Wednesday in the opposite direction and causing her to miss her attack. Zoro sighs with relief, grateful that luck is on his side.
However, he is now spotted by Mr. 8, who unleashes a barrage of bullets at him. Zoro quickly cuts a hole in the ground and escapes below, taking shelter behind a wall. Mr. 9 rises from the wooden debris and catches Zoro off guard. With a swift movement, Mr. 9 twirls his metallic bat at Zoro, and the tip detaches from the bat, connected by a metallic rope. The metallic tip wraps around Zoro’s left arm, immobilizing it.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Miss Wednesday takes Luffy hostage and threatens Zoro not to make a move, or else Luffy’s life will be in danger. Seized by the metallic wire, Zoro yanks Mr. 9 toward him and dodges Mr. 8’s shotgun attack. He then twirls Mr. 9 like a toy and hurls him at Miss Wednesday, saving Luffy. Zoro jumps onto Luffy’s rubbery stomach to build momentum and launches himself at Mr. 8, slashing him swiftly. In an instant, all three of them are defeated, and Zoro breathes a sigh of relief.