As the moon rises over Whiskey Island, the town’s welcome celebration at Whiskey Peak continues. Every member of the crew is entertaining the crowd by recounting his oceanic adventures. While Luffy ate to his heart’s content, Zoro continued drinking alcohol.
Mrs. Wednesday and Mr. 9 are making a report in a far-off house, and they conclude it by saying they were successful in luring the pirates to the cactus island. They subsequently put their report in the “unluckies” box, where it was delivered to the boss. Both of them work by an organization called Baroque.

The straw hat pirates, all five of them, collapse after having a great time. Igarappoi walks out of the party and gazes at moon, complimenting the beauty of the night and surprisingly he is called by Mr 9. Mr. 9 addresses Igarappoi as Mr. 8, as he belongs to the mysterious group Baraque Work.

Miss Monday, the woman dressed as a nun, rushes up to Mr. 8 and inquires about the reason for such a lavish party given that there is already a shortage of food. Mr. 8 pulls out the wanted poster for Luffy and tells them he has done enough investigation on the pirate group. The wealth of luffy, which is 30 million belli, astounds everyone. Mr. 8 suggests that killing them will result in a 30% reduction in their prize. Since the government enjoys carrying out public executions of criminals, they intend to tie them up and deliver them to the authorities alive. Additionally, he orders Miss Wednesday and other crew members to search their ship for any form of treasury.
A man rushes up to Mr. 8 and informs him that one of the group has escaped. A true swordsman never allows alcohol to take hold of himself, and Zoro appears while standing on the roof, surprising everyone. He also overhears their strategy. Zoro views the island as a haven for bounty hunters who prey on the overconfident rookie pirates who have recently joined the Grand line. Around 100 assassins surround Zoro in a circle. According to Zoro, they are employed by a Baroque structure. When people hear the name of their organization, they are all extremely puzzled. Zoro answers their query of “How does he know?” to ease the tension. A certain organization wanted to scout him when he was in the same field of work as them, but he declined. An organization whose members must refer to one another by their code names because they have no idea who they really are. Of course, the boss’s whereabouts and identity are also a mystery. Zoro ends his explanation by saying that a criminal organization that asks for complete obedience from its members and that is baroque works.

The residents of the town are truly shocked, and they are left with no choice than to kill him in order to keep the secret. Mr. 8 declares that another tombstone must be added to Cactus Rock that evening with his bloodlust eyes. To murder Zoro, the entire town surges at him at once, but Zoro, with his lightning-fast response, disappears right before their eyes and walks right in between them. Everyone raises their weapons and begins to shoot at him, but Zoro, who is always moving too quickly, escapes and the village begins to accidentally shot one another. Zoro pulls out his sword and points it directly at Mr. 8. When they see Zoro, the people rush over to attack him with their fully loaded weapons. Mr 8 ask them to wait as they can accidentally shoot him. Mr. 8 blew his trumpet and all the people were gunned down since he had no other option. Zoro was really perplexed by the mysterious attack. Mr. 8, Mr. 9, Miss. Wednesday, and Miss. Monday resolve to deal with him directly in the meantime.