Episode 1

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Luffy and the New World

The clash intensifies as Katakuri showcases his mastery of observation haki, enabling him to predict Luffy’s every move. Luffy, known for his adaptability, pushes his limits to match Katakuri’s speed and evade his attacks. Despite the overwhelming power of his opponent, Luffy’s determination fuels his resilience, and he gradually starts landing powerful blows.

Katakuri, recognizing Luffy’s potential threat, unveils his awakened Devil Fruit powers, transforming the environment around them into a sticky mochi landscape. The battleground becomes treacherous as Luffy struggles to navigate the terrain, but he adapts quickly and utilizes the environment to his advantage.

Both fighters unleash their most devastating techniques: Katakuri employs “Zan Giri Mochi” (Slicing Mochi), launching swift and precise slicing attacks, while Luffy channels his “Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun,” gathering immense power into his rubbery fist for a colossal punch.

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun!!!!!

In a split second, Katakuri melds his mochi form with the surroundings, blending seamlessly into the environment. As Luffy’s King Kong Gun crashes down,

But suddenly whole mirror world starts shaking but nothing affects Luffy and Katakuri deep focus. They are already into zone.

Luffy (once again): Kong Gun!!! And it misses again. But the place starts shaking terribly and turning the mirror world upside down. Suddenly a white light blinds Luffy and he feels like that he is in the middle of a giant whirlpool.


21 Jun 2023.

After remaining unconscious for a quite sometime luffy wakes up and rubs his eyes. He jumps in shock after seeing a vast beach where nobody is present. He screams and challenges for Katakuri thinking it, as a part of his power. He takes his fighting position and searches for Katakuri or his sudden attacks.

Luffy: Gear second… I know Katakuri it is one of your trick. Show yourself you mochiiiiii..

Luffy is searching everywhere for Katakuri but nothing can be found.. He is confused about this place and his situation.

His stomach makes a growling sound as he is hungry. He now believes that it is not any trick. There are many question piling up in his head but he is hungry…

Luffy: I am hungry. I miss Sanji’s food. But his intuition tells that Sanji is definitely returning to the crew and in order to survive he starts searching for food. He catches fish and regains his energy. He starts travelling towards north and covers many miles and finally spots a house. It seems to be a War-torn house.

With a thunderous roar, a bull charges torward luffy with tremendous force, creating shockwaves. He is a towering iron bull, standing several meters tall. The ground trembles beneath the weight and power of his form. Luffy immediately activates Second Gear and avoids the attack with ease and punches the bull in his guts employing Red Hawk. He notices a girl standing behind the bull. As he tries to talk to that girl but he is paralaysed and so is that girl.

Shadow possession Jutsu

Luffy, outrageous bull and that girl losses their freedom to move. A man who camouflaged himself in bushes maintains a distance and starts questioning them. What is this place? Who are you people? Do you know each other?

Luffy: Who are you? I am Monkey D Luffy. I am going to be the Pirate King.

The lady refuses to answer and cross questions the man,”Who are you?  And which is your guild?”.

Man: I am Shikamaru Nara of Hidden in the leaf.  What is this guild?

Lady: My name is Lucy Heartfilia. And raises his right hand and shows fairy tail guild mark.

All three of them are confused. After discussing and asking questions they finally conclude that all three of them don’t belong to this world. They introduce themselves and starts a new mission to unfold the truth. They agree on staying together till the time the truth uncovers. They decide to travel to North in search of village or a town.


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