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Choso, a Death Painting Womb with a significant impact on the narrative, is one of the series prominent figures. Choso’s role in the story, along with his brothers Kechizu and Eso, adds depth to the Jujutsu Kaisen universe’s supernatural elements.



a. Choso, a Prominent Death Painting Womb in Jujutsu Kaisen

Choso is a prominent and interesting character in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, and his role as a Death Painting Womb adds another layer of complexity to the story. He along with his brothers Kechizu and Eso, form a distinct trio that captures the essence of the series dark and supernatural themes.

Kenjaku’s dark experiment to push the boundaries of cursed energy inspired the concept of Death Painting Wombs. Choso, Kechizu, and Eso are the byproducts of this horrible experiment, existing as half-human, half-curse spirits with abilities that defy the Jujutsu Kaisen world’s conventional norms. This experiment shapes not only their physical forms, but also their personalities and relationships.

His appearance is similar to that of a human male, unlike many cursed spirits who manifest as monstrous and otherworldly entities. This distinguishing feature distinguishes him not only among cursed spirits, but also allows him to easily navigate the human world. His flesh-and-blood body is visible to both sorcerers and non-sorcerers, making his interactions unpredictable.

When Choso first appears in the Jujutsu Kaisen storyline, readers and viewers are drawn to his calm and reserved demeanor. He often wears a bored expression, but he exudes a sense of mystery that piques the audience’s interest. He is not your typical antagonist, and his initial association with the Death Painting Wombs hints at a deeper, more complex story.

Choso’s deep attachment and protectiveness toward his brothers, Kechizu and Eso, is one of his defining characteristics. Despite their dark circumstances, Choso exhibits a familial love that contrasts with the usual hate associated with cursed spirits. This connection gives his character emotional depth, laying the groundwork for the story’s complex relationships and conflicts.

b. Choso’s Human-Like Appearance and Visibility

Choso, who has the appearance of a human male, possesses a flesh-and-blood body that distinguishes him from many other cursed spirits in Jujutsu Kaisen. This distinguishing feature not only makes him visually appealing, but also adds a layer of complication to his interactions with both sorcerers and non-sorcerers.

His decision to manifest in a form that resembles humanity is critical to the narrative dynamics. This choice serves as a narrative device, allowing him to blend in and defy expectations while navigating the human world with relative ease. His ability to go unnoticed among humans creates tension and suspense, emphasizing his dual nature.

Unlike some cursed spirits that are invisible or unnoticed by non-sorcerers, his presence is felt by both magical and non-magical people. This visibility adds a layer of complication to his interactions by challenging the conventional understanding of cursed spirits. The implications of being seen by non-sorcerers add to Choso’s character’s unpredictability, keeping readers and viewers on the edge of their seats.

Choso’s human-like form becomes a narrative focal point in a world where appearances frequently indicate danger. His existence as a Death Painting Womb blurs the lines between the supernatural and the monotonous, inviting readers and viewers to challenge preconceived notions about cursed spirits. This placement within the cursed entity hierarchy sets the stage for the development of his character arc and the challenges he faces.

Choso’s human-like features stand in obvious contrast to the more monstrous cursed spirits in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. This deliberate design choice not only distinguishes him from other characters in the series, but also serves as a visual metaphor for the internal conflicts and struggles he faces as a character.

His physical appearance becomes more than just a physical trait as the story progresses; it becomes a narrative tool that adds to the depth and interest surrounding his character in Jujutsu Kaisen.


a. Created by Kenjaku’s experiment to surpass cursed energy boundaries

Choso’s origins are deeply rooted in Kenjaku’s enigmatic experiments, a central figure in the Jujutsu Kaisen story. The goal of these experiments was nothing short of courageous: to push past the boundaries of cursed energy. Cursed energy is a critical component in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, fueling the abilities of sorcerers and cursed spirits. Kenjaku’s quest to cross these boundaries required him to manipulate the delicate balance between the human and cursed realms.

Choso's origins are deeply rooted in Kenjaku's enigmatic experiments

Choso emerged as a product of this experimental fusion as a result of Kenjaku’s daring venture into the unknown. His existence is proof of the unpredictable and often perilous consequences of interfering with the fundamental forces that govern the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Choso, the character born from this radical experiment, embodies the fusion of human and cursed elements, giving rise to a character with a distinct and complex personality.

Kenjaku’s experiment has ramifications beyond Choso’s individuality, influencing the larger narrative and shaping the power dynamics within the series. It adds a sense of mystery and danger, referring to the unintended consequences that may occur when mortals attempt to harness the supernatural forces inherent in the Jujutsu Kaisen world.

The complex details of Choso’s creation provide a glimpse into the complicated and interconnected web of events that propel the Jujutsu Kaisen storyline forward as we delve deeper into his background. Choso’s origins become crucial in understanding the challenges and conflicts that lie ahead, laying the groundwork for his role in the unfolding saga of sorcery and curses.

b. Choso has existed for 150 years as a half-human, half-cursed spirit

Choso’s life spans an impressive 150 years, a long time for a character who stand on the worlds of humanity and cursed spirits. His longevity is a testament to the unnatural and powerful forces that course through his veins as a half-human, half-curse spirit.


His character gains complexity as a result of his extended lifespan, positioning him as a witness to the changing landscape of sorcery and curses over the decades. His life experiences, shaped by time, add to the breadth of his perspective and understanding of the supernatural world. Unlike mortal characters whose stories are constrained by the limitations of a human lifespan, Choso’s century-and-a-half existence allows for a unique exploration of themes such as identity, purpose, and the long-term impact of past events.

His dual nature, as both a human and a cursed spirit, emphasizes the delicate balance he maintains. This equilibrium is not only physical, but also metaphorical, reflecting his internal conflict between human emotions and the inherent instincts of a cursed spirit. His duality adds complexities to his character, providing a rich foundation for character development and exploration.

The significance of Choso’s 150-year existence becomes a focal point in understanding the challenges he faces and the choices he makes in the present as we unravel the threads of his past. It also lays the groundwork for potential revelations about the nature of cursed spirits, shedding light on their ability to grow and adapt, as well as the long-term consequences of their actions on the world around them.


a. Calm and reserved, often with a bored expression

Choso’s personality is a complex blend of calm reserve and subtle boredom expressions. Choso, in contrast to the chaotic and malevolent nature commonly associated with cursed spirits, emit a calmness that often manifests as a bored demeanor. His disinterested expression conceals a depth of emotions and experiences accumulated over his 150-year existence as a half-human, half-curse spirit.

Calm and reserved, often with a bored expression

His calmness shines through in various encounters as he navigates the challenges posed by sorcerers and cursed spirits alike. Even in the face of formidable opponents, his calm demeanor does not waver, creating an enigmatic aura around him. Instead of indicating indifference, this calmness reflects a character who has mastered the art of emotional control, possibly as a result of enduring the passage of time.

His reserved demeanor contrasts with the usual volatility associated with cursed spirits, making him a unique and interesting figure in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that the calm exterior conceals a complex and multifaceted character, which adds depth to the overall storytelling.

b. Choso doesn’t harbor contempt for humans or sorcerers

As we continue to delve into Choso’s personality, a notable contrast emerges in his attitude toward humans and sorcerers. Choso, unlike many cursed spirits who have disdain and malice for these groups, stands out for his lack of hostility. His point of view differs from the norm in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe, where cursed spirits typically harbor deep grudges against those who possess cursed energy.

Choso doesn't harbor contempt for humans or sorcerers

Choso’s indifference to humans and sorcerers, rather than outright hostility, adds depth to his character. It makes the audience wonder about the origins of his worldview and the implications of his unusual existence as a half-human, half-curse spirit. This departure from the expected hostility calls into question the conventional narrative, creating interest and a desire for more investigation into his past and motivations.

His neutrality allows for dynamic interactions and alliances, demonstrating that not all cursed spirits fit the stereotypical mold of malevolence. This aspect of his personality contributes to the storyline’s broader theme of complex characters, where alliances and enmities are not always dictated by predetermined categories.

c. Deeply attached and protective of his brothers

The third aspect of Choso’s personality is his strong attachment to and unwavering protection of his brothers, Kechizu and Eso. This familial love serves as a poignant counterpoint to the overall story of cursed spirits. While many cursed spirits are ruthless and isolated, he emerges as a figure driven by a profound sense of connection and responsibility.


His love for his brothers goes beyond the usual boundaries associated with cursed spirits, introducing a familial dynamic rarely seen in the series. His protective instincts are visible in his actions, particularly in times of conflict and danger. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that his desire to avenge his fallen brothers becomes a driving force in his decisions and alliances.

This familial bond not only humanizes Choso, but also adds a layer of emotional depth that the audience can relate to. It challenges preconceived notions about cursed spirits and their capacity for complex emotions, highlighting the idea that familial ties can be a powerful motivator even among supernatural entities.

His portrayal of a character with familial love in the midst of a world of curses and sorcery adds a touch of humanity to Jujutsu Kaisen’s fantastical setting, adding to the narrative’s emotional richness.

Alliance and Conflicts

Choso’s journey in Jujutsu Kaisen is marked by interesting alliances and intense conflicts, which shape his character’s complex dynamics.

a. Initially sided with Mahito and Kenjaku during the Shibuya Incident

Choso found himself aligned with the evil forces led by Mahito and the enigmatic Kenjaku during the Shibuya Incident, a pivotal moment in the series. He joined forces with these formidable opponents after being drawn together by a common interest in crossing cursed energy boundaries. This loyalty demonstrated the depth of his connection to Kenjaku’s overarching plans, and his involvement in the chaos that ensued in Shibuya demonstrated the breadth of his formidable abilities as a Death Painting Womb.

Initially sided with Mahito and Kenjaku during the Shibuya Incident

Despite being a member of a faction that posed a significant threat to both sorcerers and non-sorcerers, Choso maintained a calm and reserved demeanor. His apparent lack of hostility toward humans and sorcerers distinguishes him from other cursed spirits, hinting at the layers of complexity within his character.

Choso’s role in the Shibuya Incident grew in importance as the incident progressed, implying the possibility of a shift in alliances and a deeper exploration of his character motivations.

b. Fought against Yuji Itadori to avenge his fallen brothers, Kechizu and Eso

Choso’s allegiance was tested by a tragic event: the deaths of his brothers, Kechizu and Eso, during the Shibuya Incident. Choso’s grief and vengeance were fueled by his siblings deaths, bringing him into direct conflict with Yuji Itadori, who played a key role in the events that led to their deaths.

Fought against Yuji Itadori to avenge his fallen brothers, Kechizu and Eso

Choso demonstrated his mastery of Blood Manipulation and martial arts in a fierce and emotionally charged battle. Choso’s intense desire for vengeance against Yuji revealed the depths of familial love and loyalty that defined his character. The fight not only showcased his formidable combat skills, but it also revealed the emotional complexities that drove his actions.

Choso’s pursuit of vengeance against Yuji emphasized his dedication to protecting and avenging his brothers, providing a glimpse into the emotional core of a character known for his calm exterior. This conflict sparked further investigation of Choso’s character and hinted at the possibility of his allegiance shifting as the story progressed.

Revelations and Loyalty Shift

In Jujutsu Kaisen, Choso’s journey takes a profound turn as he grapples with unexpected revelations that reshape his alliances and loyalties. The first pivotal revelation revolves around his discovery of a possible connection to Yuji Itadori, which elevates their dynamic beyond that of adversaries.

a. Discovered a potential connection to Yuji, viewing him as a step-brother

Choso’s life takes a poignant turn when he comes across a revelation that strikes at the heart of his identity. The discovery of a possible familial connection to Yuji Itadori reveals a complicated web of relationships within the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Choso is moved by this revelation, as he begins to see Yuji as more than just a formidable opponent, but also as a step-brother.

Discovered a potential connection to Yuji, viewing him as a step-brother

This newfound emotional connection adds layers to Choso’s character, revealing a vulnerability rarely seen in cursed spirits. The discovery of shared blood ties causes him to reconsider his views on humans and sorcerers. Choso, unlike his cursed spirit counterparts, does not hold ill will toward those he once considered enemies. Instead, a familial bond emerges, challenging the traditional hostility between cursed spirits and humans.

In these moments of self-discovery, Choso’s character development shines through as he struggles with conflicting emotions. The transformation from enmity to familial bond adds a delicate dimension to his interactions with Yuji and sets the stage for a significant shift in loyalty.

b. Switched loyalty to protect Yuji after a vision of shared camaraderie

Choso’s loyalty changes dramatically when he witnesses a vision that goes beyond the boundaries of his initial alignment. Choso witnesses a connection with Yuji that transcends the confines of their stormy past in a moment of shared camaraderie glimpsed through supernatural means. This vision is the momentum for a significant shift in Choso’s loyalties.


The shared vision reveals not only the depth of their potential bond, but also a commonality that transcends the traditional animosity between cursed spirits and sorcerers. Choso, who was initially aligned with Mahito and Kenjaku, is forced to reconsider his allegiances in the face of this powerful vision. The emotional resonance of the shared camaraderie becomes a driving force, prompting Choso to question his role in the Shibuya Incident’s unfolding events.

Choso’s decision to change allegiance is more than just a tactical move; it reflects his evolving character and values. The familial love and attachment he feels for his brothers translates into a newfound sense of responsibility and protection for Yuji. This shift in allegiance is a watershed moment in the story, adding to the complexities of Choso’s character and adding layers of depth to Jujutsu Kaisen’s overarching themes of family and connection.

Abilities and Powers

a. Special-grade cursed spirit with mastery in Blood Manipulation

Choso, a Special-grade cursed spirit, is a formidable force in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. What distinguishes him is his mastery of Blood Manipulation, a skill that proves both lethal and strategic in battle. Choso can manipulate his own blood with cursed energy, resulting in a variety of powerful techniques.

Convergence, one of his signature techniques, exemplifies his mastery. Choso can unleash devastating attacks that combine physical and cursed energy by compressing his blood with cursed energy. This one-of-a-kind ability not only makes him a formidable opponent in combat, but it also demonstrates the series cursed techniques versatility.

Furthermore, Choso’s ability to manipulate blood is linked to his familial ties. His ability to sense his brothers transformations or deaths via this technique, known as Blood Connection, adds depth to his character and serves as a driving force for his actions.

Furthermore, Choso’s blood is poisonous, a trait known as Blood Poisoning. This not only depletes his opponents stamina but also causes physical pain, emphasizing the lethal nature of his cursed techniques.

Choso emerges as a force to be reckoned with as a Special-grade cursed spirit with expertise in Blood Manipulation, combining supernatural abilities with tactical acumen on the battlefield.

b. Proficient in martial arts, showcasing tactical intelligence in battles

Choso’s abilities extend beyond cursed techniques; he is a skilled martial artist, lending physical skills to his combat style. Choso, unlike many cursed spirits, combines his mastery of Blood Manipulation with strategic martial arts, resulting in a distinct and lethal fighting style.

Choso’s martial arts proficiency allows him to seamlessly combine hand-to-hand combat with his cursed techniques. He is a dynamic and unpredictable opponent due to his combination of physical and supernatural abilities. In battle, he demonstrates tactical intelligence by adapting his fighting style to exploit his opponents weaknesses.

In essence, Choso’s martial arts proficiency not only complements his Blood Manipulation abilities, but also demonstrates his adaptability and strategic thinking on the battlefield. Because of his multifaceted approach, he is a complex and formidable character in the Jujutsu Kaisen story.

Choso’s Signature Techniques

Choso, the mysterious Death Painting Womb in Jujutsu Kaisen, is known for his mastery of unique and powerful signature techniques. Each technique demonstrates the lethal fusion of his cursed spirit nature and martial skills, making him a formidable opponent in battles against sorcerers and cursed beings.


The Convergence technique is at the heart of Choso’s combat collection. This technique exemplifies his command of cursed energy and blood manipulation. Choso creates a devastating force capable of delivering powerful blows to his opponents by compressing his own blood using precise applications of cursed energy. The fusion of blood and cursed energy not only increases the power of his attacks, but also provides him with a distinct advantage in both close and long-range combat scenarios.

Choso Convergence

Choso’s tactical intelligence on the battlefield is highlighted by his use of Convergence. He can change the intensity and scale of his attacks depending on the opponent, making him a versatile and unpredictable foe. Choso’s proficiency in Convergence adds a layer of complexity to his fighting style, keeping opponents on their toes whether facing a single powerful foe or a group of adversaries.

Choso’s mastery of Convergence as a Special-grade cursed spirit demonstrates the breadth of his combat skills, as well as the lethal combination of cursed techniques and physical skills that defines his character.

Piercing Blood

 Among Choso’s formidable arsenal of techniques, Piercing Blood stands out as proof of his mastery over the manipulation of his own life force. This technique takes the form of a lethal blood beam that is unleashed with incredible speed and piercing power. Charged with cursed energy, the crimson stream of blood transforms into a formidable projectile capable of cutting through obstacles and adversaries alike.

Choso Piercing Blood

Choso’s ability to deploy Piercing Blood quickly adds an element of surprise to his attacks, catching opponents off guard and giving them little time to react. This technique’s piercing power ensures that even the most formidable defenses can be breached, making it a versatile tool in Choso’s offensive arsenal.

The ability of Piercing Blood to bridge the gap between short and mid-range combat makes it particularly powerful. Choso can use this technique to engage opponents from a distance, capitalizing on his opponents vulnerabilities while maintaining control of the battle flow.

Piercing Blood is a display of Choso’s unique fusion of cursed energy and blood manipulation, and it demonstrates his adaptability in combat and ability to exploit his opponents weaknesses.


The original and devastating technique known as Supernova is at the pinnacle of Choso’s collection. This one-of-a-kind ability demonstrates Choso’s inventiveness in harnessing his blood manipulation abilities for explosive and destructive results. The controlled detonation of orbs made of Choso’s own blood infused with powerful cursed energy constitutes Supernova.

Choso Supernova

 Choso begins the process by concentrating his blood into concentrated orbs, each containing a volatile mix of cursed energy. When strategically deployed, these orbs transform into flammable projectiles capable of wreaking havoc. Supernova not only causes direct damage but also chaos on the battlefield, disrupting Choso’s opponents plans and formations.

The versatility of Supernova is what distinguishes it. Choso can change the size and number of blood orbs, tailoring the technique to the needs of the situation. Because of his adaptability, he is a formidable opponent, capable of changing the dynamics of a battle with a single, well-timed deployment of Supernova.

 Beyond its destructive potential, Supernova emphasizes Choso’s innovation in the realm of blood manipulation, establishing him as a cursed spirit with a distinct and potent skill set that goes beyond conventional techniques.

These signature techniques define Choso’s combat skills, displaying a lethal blend of cursed energy mastery and blood manipulation that solidifies his position as a formidable presence in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

Blood Edge

Choso’s Blood Edge technique demonstrates his ability to manipulate his own blood for offensive purposes. In the heat of battle, he has the incredible ability to shape his cursed energy-infused blood into a razor-sharp dagger, transforming it into a formidable weapon for close-quarters combat. This technique not only demonstrates Choso’s precise control over his blood, but also his powers versatility.

Choso Blood Edge

The dagger, formed from his own life force, becomes an extension of Choso’s will and a lethal weapon in combat. Because of its close-range nature, Choso can engage opponents directly, catching them off guard with the sudden appearance of this lethal weapon. The ease with which he shapes and wields the Blood Edge reflects both his combat skills and the rarity of his Blood Manipulation abilities.

As Choso fights, the Blood Edge becomes a symbol of his fighting style, combining martial skills with supernatural abilities. This technique adds depth to his character and marks him as a formidable presence in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

Flowing Red Scale

Choso’s adaptability and strategic approach to combat are exemplified by the Flowing Red Scale technique. In the heat of battle, Choso can manipulate his own blood circulation to increase his strength and speed. This one-of-a-kind ability demonstrates not only his mastery of Blood Manipulation, but also his tactical acumen on the battlefield.

Choso Flowing Red Scale

The accelerated pumping of blood throughout Choso’s body results in a remarkable boost in physical capabilities as he activates the Flowing Red Scale. His movements become faster, and his attacks gain more power, allowing him to respond to the ever-changing dynamics of a fight in real time. This method demonstrates Choso’s ability to adapt and seize control of a situation by utilizing the inherent power of his cursed blood.

With its dual enhancement of strength and speed, the Flowing Red Scale transforms Choso into a formidable force capable of outsmarting opponents and delivering devastating blows. This technique not only expands his combat collection, but it also highlights the symbiotic relationship between his cursed energy and the life force coursing through his veins.

Blood Connection

Choso’s ability to establish a blood connection with his brothers demonstrates the strength of their familial bond. Choso can detect any significant changes in Kechizu and Eso’s blood through his mastery of Blood Manipulation. This connection extends beyond the physical realm, allowing him to detect transformations or, sadly, his siblings deaths.

Choso Blood Connection

This ability’s complexities highlight the supernatural aspects of Jujutsu Kaisen’s cursed energy system. Choso’s increased sensitivity to his brothers blood serves as both a plot device and an emotional layer to his character. This connection becomes a source of both strength and vulnerability for Choso throughout the story, influencing his actions and decisions.

Choso’s ability to sense his brothers well-being through their shared blood emphasizes the series thematic importance of family bonds. This power not only adds to the character’s depth, but it also plays an important role in pivotal plot moments, influencing his allegiances and actions.

Blood Poisoning

Choso’s blood contains a lethal secret: it contains a powerful poison that causes physical pain to those who come into contact with it. This one-of-a-kind ability adds a new layer of danger to his already formidable combat abilities, making him a more unpredictable and lethal foe.

Choso Blood Poisoning

The concept of a cursed spirit with poisonous blood adds a strategic element to Choso’s battles. It makes opponents wary not only of his martial skills, but also of the potentially disastrous consequences of a single, seemingly harmless touch. The poison’s slow depletion of stamina and physical discomfort add an extra challenge for those who dare to confront him.

This ability reflects the Jujutsu Kaisen universe’s creativity and variety, demonstrating how curses can manifest in a variety of unexpected ways. Choso’s ability to poison blood not only makes him a formidable foe, but it also reinforces the theme of curses as unpredictable and dangerous forces that sorcerers must carefully navigate.

As we learn more about Choso’s unique abilities, it becomes clear that his character is completely linked to the series mystical elements, providing both challenges and surprises for the protagonists.

Blood Conversion

Choso’s ability to manipulate blood extends to a life-saving technique known as blood conversion. Choso has the ability to convert cursed energy into blood in life-threatening situations, ensuring his survival and allowing him to continue fighting.

Choso Blood Conversion

This exceptional skill not only demonstrates Choso’s adaptability in combat, but also highlights the versatility of cursed energy within the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. The concept of converting one type of energy into another emphasizes the series magical system’s dynamic nature; in which sorcerers constantly push the boundaries of what is possible.

Choso’s character gains a strategic dimension with the Blood Conversion ability, allowing him to persevere in battles that would otherwise be overwhelming. It speaks to his tenacity and resourcefulness, which help to make him a memorable and formidable presence in the series.

As we learn more about Choso’s unique abilities, we see how each aspect of his abilities adds to the complexities of his character, making him a multifaceted and interesting figure in the Jujutsu Kaisen story.

Endurance and Intelligence

a. Demonstrates advanced endurance

Choso’s remarkable endurance is a distinguishing feature that distinguishes him as a formidable character in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Choso has consistently demonstrated an ability to withstand powerful blows that would knock out lesser opponents in various encounters and battles. His physical toughness demonstrates the one-of-a-kind nature of his cursed spirit physiology, which combines human and cursed energy attributes.

Demonstrates advanced endurance

He has demonstrated his ability to withstand extended battles in intense confrontations, displaying tenacity that borders on the extraordinary. This resilience allows him to outlast opponents and provides a strategic advantage, allowing him to capitalize on his opponents fatigue and vulnerabilities. Choso’s endurance becomes a key factor in determining the outcome of these encounters, whether he is up against other cursed spirits or skilled sorcerers.

Furthermore, his tactical intelligence contributes significantly to his battle endurance. Choso is not just a brute force powerhouse; instead, he approaches fights with a calculated approach. His ability to analyze opponents moves, assume their strategies, and adapt accordingly demonstrates a level of combat intelligence that transcends physical skills.

b. Tactical Intellect Displayed in Battles

Choso’s battles are complex chess games in which he strategically drive against his opponents, not just displays of raw power. His tactical intelligence is evident in the way he assesses his opponents strengths and weaknesses, developing precise strategies to exploit vulnerabilities and gain the upper hand.


Choso’s adaptability is a notable aspect of his strategic skills. He does not have a set fighting style, but rather adapts his approach to the changing dynamics of the battle. Because of his adaptability, he is able to stay one step ahead of his opponents, making it difficult for them to predict his moves.

In the heat of battle, Choso’s calm and reserved demeanor shines through, concealing the sharpness of his strategic mind. He observes his opponents patiently, identifying patterns and tendencies that he can exploit. This patient approach frequently lulls opponents into a false sense of security, only for Choso to reveal a well-planned counterattack.

Choso’s tactical intelligence extends beyond individual combat to his role in group engagements. He worked effectively with other cursed spirits during the Shibuya Incident, demonstrating a keen understanding of teamwork and coordination in chaotic situations.


Choso stands out as a multifaceted character in Jujutsu Kaisen’s complex tapestry. His distinct combination of strength, intelligence, and unwavering familial loyalty significantly contributes to the narrative, leaving an indelible mark on the series.

Choso’s battle prowess extends beyond mere physical strength. His tactical intelligence shines through as he engages opponents with a strategic mindset, always adapting to the unpredictability of the conflicts he faces. He, unlike many cursed spirits who are driven by chaotic impulses, calculates his moves, making each encounter a intellectual contest. This combination of brawn and brains makes him a formidable opponent while also adding layers of depth to his character.

His combat skills is demonstrated by his proficiency in martial arts, as well as his mastery of Blood Manipulation. The Convergence technique, which demonstrates his mastery of cursed energy, enables him to compress blood into devastating attacks. His signature moves, such as Piercing Blood and Supernova, demonstrate both speed and power, making him a formidable force in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.

Blood Conversion is one of his most interesting abilities, demonstrating his resourcefulness in the face of mortal danger. He prevents death by blood loss by transforming cursed energy into blood, demonstrating a level of control over his own essence that distinguishes him. This one-of-a-kind ability not only emphasizes his survival instincts, but it also adds a layer of complexity to his character, hinting at the breadth of his understanding of cursed energy and its manipulation.

Choso’s proficiency in these techniques becomes a narrative cornerstone as he navigates the battles within Jujutsu Kaisen, shaping the course of events and influencing the fates of those around him. Choso’s journey takes a touching turn as his familial connections come to the forefront, showcasing a character arc that transcends mere combat and delves into the realms of emotion and morality.


1. Q: How was Choso created, and what is the origin of his existence as a half-human, half-cursed spirit?

 A: Choso was created through an experiment conducted by Kenjaku to surpass cursed energy boundaries. He has existed for 150 years as a half-human, half-cursed spirit.

2. Q: Can you elaborate on Choso’s alliance and conflicts, particularly his involvement in the Shibuya Incident and his confrontation with Yuji Itadori?

A: Choso initially sided with Mahito and Kenjaku during the Shibuya Incident. However, he later fought against Yuji Itadori to avenge his fallen brothers, Kechizu and Eso.

3. Q: What are Choso’s unique abilities, such as Blood Connection and Blood Poisoning, and how do they contribute to his character’s depth in Jujutsu Kaisen?

A: Choso possesses unique abilities like “Blood Connection,” which allows him to sense the transformation or death of his brothers through Blood Manipulation. “Blood Poisoning” makes his blood poisonous, draining stamina and causing physical distress, while “Blood Conversion” converts cursed energy into blood to prevent death by blood loss.

4. Q: Could you provide more details on Choso’s switch in allegiance and his evolving relationship with Yuji Itadori? How did this impact the overall storyline?

A: Choso switched allegiance after discovering a potential connection to Yuji Itadori, viewing him as a step-brother. This shift was driven by a vision of shared camaraderie, and it significantly impacted the storyline by adding complexity to Choso’s character and influencing the dynamics between characters.

5. Q: What are Choso’s signature techniques, like Convergence and Supernova, and how does he utilize them in battles?

A: Choso’s signature techniques include “Convergence,” which compresses blood with cursed energy for powerful attacks, and “Supernova,” his original technique that involves detonating orbs of blood for devastating attacks. These techniques showcase his mastery in Blood Manipulation and tactical intelligence in battles.

6. Q: In terms of personality, how does Choso differ from other cursed spirits in Jujutsu Kaisen, and how does his familial love for his brothers play a role in the narrative?

A: Choso is characterized by a calm and reserved personality, distinct from the typical contempt that cursed spirits harbor for humans or sorcerers. His familial love for his brothers, Kechizu and Eso, adds emotional depth to his character and influences his decisions and actions throughout the narrative.

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