Chapter 98: Dark Clouds

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Sanji and the rest of the crew leisurely explore the bustling market, procuring items such as tuna and elephant fish. Nami, on the other hand, engages in some shopping for new clothes. Amidst their activities, Nami notices a significant drop in air pressure and senses the impending arrival of a rainstorm. Meanwhile, Luffy, seeking a vantage point, ascends the execution platform. His presence does not go unnoticed, as a police officer promptly instructs him to descend. However, before anyone can react, the officer is struck by a spiked iron mace hurled by a tall woman standing amid the crowd.

To the astonishment of onlookers, the woman addresses Luffy, questioning if he recognizes her. Luffy, however, fails to recall her. Her attempts to jog his memory prove fruitless. Soon, she is joined by none other than Buggy the Clown, whose appearance triggers Luffy’s recognition. The woman then reveals herself as Alvida, the same pirate Luffy defeated. She had consumed the Smooth-Smooth Fruit, granting her the ability to repel all attacks as they slide off her slippery skin. Chaos ensues as the pirates create a disturbance in the town square. Amidst the tumult, Kabaji seizes the opportunity to confine Luffy in a wooden pillory, a framework with openings for the head and hands.

As the situation escalates, a soldier quickly reports the events to Captain Smoker. The renowned “White Hunter” Smoker orders the first unit to descend to the harbor, the second unit to discreetly establish a perimeter around the town square, and the remaining forces to remain within firing range, awaiting further commands. In response to the sudden change in weather, Nami, Sanji, Ussop, and Zoro decide to return to the ship. However, their paths unexpectedly converge in the midst of the street, and their attention is immediately drawn to Luffy’s absence. Concerned, they search for him, only to be shocked by the sight of Luffy confined on the execution platform.

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