Sochiro Yagami gathers his family in the dining hall and reveals that he is in charge of the special task force investigating the Kira case. He informs them that 12 FBI agents who were investigating Kira have been killed. Essentially, he wants to convey that anyone who tries to catch Kira might face the same fate. Despite the risks involved, many of his colleagues have quit the case due to safety concerns. However, Sochiro Yagami decides to stay on, determined not to give in to evil. While the rest of the family is against this decision, Light supports his father and assures him that if anything happens to him, Light will ensure that Kira receives the death penalty. With that, Light heads to his room.
As Light returns to his room, Ryuk commends Light’s acting skills, likening it to the day when Light orchestrated the deaths of all 12 FBI agents. Light smiles and reflects on the events of the previous day.
At the Shinjuku underground station, Light and Ryuk arrive. After conducting experiments on local criminals, Light has discovered that if he writes the cause of death and various details in advance and then write a name infront of the details later, the person dies that way. He spots Raye Penber and approaches him, standing just behind him. Concealing his face, Light reveals himself as Kira to Raye Penber and issues a warning against any clever moves. Light proves his power by killing an employee of a nearby coffee shop, who had committed multiple unprosecuted rapes. Shocked and nervous, Raye Penber realizes that Kira likely needs to see someone’s face before killing them. Light bluffs, claiming he has taken Raye’s fiancĂ©e hostage, thereby compelling Raye to cooperate. Light asks about the file containing the names and photos of all FBI agents in Japan. Raye denies having it. Light hands over an envelope to Raye, inside of which is a transceiver and an earphone. Raye, puzzled, recognizes the transceiver as a toy and is aware that it cannot be traced. Light instructs him to fix the earphone and take a seat on the Yamanote line train.
While Light remains hidden, he begins questioning Raye through the transceiver. Light’s first question addresses the number of FBI agents in Japan, to which Raye responds that there were four teams, totaling 12 agents. Light then instructs Raye to call a lower-ranking agent, making sure that the call is audible to him. He orders Raye to request that the agent send a file containing names and photos of all agents in Japan. Raye must pretend he needs it for a mission. The agent replies that he doesn’t have the information and directs Raye to contact the chief. Following Light’s direction, Raye claims there’s a technical glitch preventing him from accessing the attachment and asks the agent to get it for him.

Inside the envelope, Raye finds a ballpoint pen and five smaller envelopes with open slots on the front. Light instructs Raye to write the names of each agent as he looks at their photos and place the names in the slots. Raye realizes that he won’t kill the agents as long as he doesn’t see their faces. After completing this task, Light tells Raye to put the envelopes back into the larger one, remain seated with his hands on his lap for 30 minutes, and then discreetly leave the envelope on the train. Raye struggles, sensing that he recognizes Light’s voice, but ultimately leaves the train. Suddenly Raye screams and collapses, he notices Light holding the envelope. Light waves goodbye, and Raye dies of a heart attack.

Inside the envelope, Light had already written the details of death, leaving the slots for the names empty and inserted those pieces of the Death Note’s pages inside the envelope. Raye’s act of writing the names led to their deaths as he imagined their faces.
Light states that all the FBI agents have acted the same way and died of heart attack after receiving the file but the order they died and the order they received the files were totally random.
Meanwhile, the FBI director shares details of the four agents with whom he shared the file. L deduces that the order in which agents received the file could be a significant clue, suggesting Kira’s connection with one of the first recipients.