Chapter 77: One Step Towards a Dream

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Luffy, uninterested in Nami’s past, decides to let the group go their separate ways for the time being. Zoro falls asleep, leaving only Ussop and Sanji to listen to Nami’s backstory. Neijiko begins to recount events from their childhood, which took place around 8 years ago. Young Nami, eager to learn navigation, used to steal books from Genzou’s bookstore. However, one day, she was caught red-handed, and Genzou took her to Bellamere, her foster mother.

Bellamere dismissed the incident and told Genzou that she would pay for the stolen books later. Soon after, Neijiko, who was three years younger, joined them in their home. As they discussed household chores, Nami, in a fit of anger, refused to accept second-hand clothes and stormed out of the house, declaring that they were not connected by blood.

Nami sought solace with Genzou, who revealed the truth about Bellamere. It turned out that Bellamere used to be in the Marines, but one day she arrived in the village with a baby – Nami. The doctors had rescued Nami and took care of her. Bellamere shared that when she was at the brink of giving up on life during in a battlefield, she saw Neijiko carrying Nami, and the two children gave her hope to live. From that day onwards, she cared for them as if they were her own children, bound together by a bond stronger than blood.

Neijiko comes to take Nami back home, but their plans are interrupted by the arrival of the Arlong Pirates on the island. The rumors of fishmen being unleashed after Jinbei became a Schibukai were confirmed. Genzou instructs Nami and Neijiko to run to safety as the situation at the sea shore becomes tense.

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