Hachi, one of the octopus fishmen at Arlong Park’s main gate, is roasting a pig to prepare food for their companion, the sea monster Momoo, from the Grand Line. He blows the trumpet to call Momoo. Zoro arrives at the main gate upon hearing the trumpet. Seeing Zoro for the first time, Hachi mistakes him for a guest from the Marines. Hachi explains that Arlong has gone to the village to capture the long-nosed man (Ussop). To save Ussop, Zoro asks Hachi to lead him to Cocoyashi village.
Hachi uses his pot, which is a transportation device, and being the “engine,” he takes Zoro to the village. However, upon arriving, Zoro realizes that Ussop has already been captured and taken back to Arlong Park. Meanwhile, Momoo, the sea monster, appears in the wrong location for food and shows up in front of Luffy’s boat, attracted by the smell of food. Luffy and Sanji manage to defeat the sea monster and, in a rather unconventional manner, ask Momoo to take them to Arlong Park.
Using his stretching ability, Luffy catches one of Momoo’s horns and tows his boat at maximum speed with the help of Momoo. Meanwhile, Arlong is shocked to see his men defeated and lying on the ground. He suspects that it might be the work of Zoro, the Pirate Hunter. The crew also doubts Nami’s loyalty, as she is a skilled thief and cannot be trusted, having fooled people before. However, Nami overhears their doubts and defends herself, stating that she has been a part of Arlong’s crew for eight years and is so close to achieving her goal of buying the village that it makes no sense for her to betray them. Arlong finds her reasoning acceptable and apologizes to Nami, but still plans to kill the captured Ussop. When Nami sees Ussop in captivity, she freezes in shock and disbelief.