Chapter 6: The First Crew Member

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Luffy feels exhilarated, having gained his very first crew member. Zoro’s ambition is to become the greatest swordsman in the world. Luffy motivates him, stating that if Zoro cannot achieve this lofty goal, then he is not worthy of being a member of their crew. Zoro agrees with a smile. As the Marines charge towards them with swords, Luffy remains impervious to their bullets due to his rubber body. Luffy attempts to free Zoro while the soldiers rapidly approach, intent on executing them. However, at the critical moment, Zoro breaks free. Wielding his three swords simultaneously, he astounds everyone and commands the soldiers to stay motionless. The soldiers’ frozen state is promptly shattered by Luffy’s powerful kick, sending them flying. Witnessing the formidable prowess of these two individuals, the soldiers lose their morale and choose to flee.

Captain Morgan deems such cowardice unacceptable and orders his men to shoot themselves if they attempt to escape, threatening them with merciless death. The soldiers obediently follow their captain’s command, and the sound of gunshots resonates throughout the entire town. Morgan charges towards Luffy, wielding his axe arm, attempting to slice Luffy in half. However, thanks to Luffy’s agility and rubber-like body, he effortlessly evades every attack and counterattacks with a flurry of punches and kicks against Morgan.

Helmeppo, seeing the situation unfold, warns Luffy to stop or else he will shoot Coby. Helmeppo holds his gun to Coby’s head at close range. Coby, selflessly, urges Luffy to continue fighting Morgan and not worry about him. Luffy turns his back to Morgan and delivers a powerful punch, akin to a pistol shot, to Helmeppo. Seizing the opportunity, Morgan launches an attack from behind, but Zoro swiftly knocks him out, saving his captain.

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